feel free to call us 07789 133263 enquiries@wyesalmon.com
C&DAS held their fourth skills day on Sunday 10th July. See….. C&DAS 2016-fourth-annual-skills-day
From Chris Bainger - Fisheries Technical Specialist EA West Mids I have circulated that video around a few known...
Saving our Wild Atlantic Salmon – a call to arms Saving our Wild Atlantic Salmon – a call to...
A fin clipped fish was caught on September 24th at Upper Bigsweir. It weighed 14lb.
Your Fisheries enters pilot phase Your Fisheries is a catchment initiative developed by The River Trust supported by Environment...
Once again we have compiled an end of season report, I hope this gives a flavour of the possibilities...
Western Mail 12/dec/2016 Wales environmental regulator is disputing claims that deaths of salmon and sea trout caused by the...
News, Issues and Discussion | Usk Fishing Association Poaching Fishing without permission and the theft of fish are criminal...
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