The government’s response to the Water Quality Inquiry’s recommendations is a woeful failure of political leadership which spells death for the Wye

Stuart Smith, Chair of Wye Salmon Association comments:

“Depressing to see another report suggesting denial by the government of the basic problems and issues confronting our river. The opportunity to visit the river to fact find at first hand was wasted by Minister Pow’s failure to meet stakeholders and representatives of local NGOs and citizen science groups actively working towards resolving the pollution of the Wye. Rather choosing to talk in the main to the polluters.

So, another plan of action, begetting another ‘management board’ avoiding the fundamental causes of river pollution and creating a broadbrush approach likely to bury the systemic problems under cross department bureaucracy.  The state of our river needs a proper hands-on approach, a special measures approach, cutting through the problems existing today and placing focus on the real problems, regardless of where they sit on the political or cross border divide.”

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