Sale of Rare Wye Salmon Fishing Books Wye Salmon Association offer three ‘must have’ books on Wye salmon fishing...
feel free to call us 07789 133263
Another fin clipped fish caught today 8th October 2015, a fresh hen of around 15lb. Well done Nathan Jubb.
New Wye Salmon Association Newsletter Published September 2015 Newsletter 15 – 3
A fin clipped fish was caught on September 24th at Upper Bigsweir. It weighed 14lb.
Graham Hillier MD Tidal Lagoon Power Ltd Response, , Tidal Lagoons, Uncategorized, 0This was the response from Tidal Lagoons Ltd 1378_001 Tidal Lagoon Response
This is the letter that WSA sent to the tidal lagoon company WSA Calls on Tidal Lagoon Company to Prove...
More from the NRW here
Wye Salmon Association C/O Stuart Smith Peny Hil Felindre Brecon Powys LD3 0SU Our ref: SG2415 Your ref: Date:...
Atlantic Salmon Trust. Saving our Wild Atlantic Salmon – a call to arms, , Uncategorized, 0Saving our Wild Atlantic Salmon – a call to arms Saving our Wild Atlantic Salmon – a call to...
News, Issues and Discussion | Usk Fishing Association Poaching Fishing without permission and the theft of fish are criminal...