On the 5th January 2018 Mr Stephen Marsh Smith under his ‘fora’ disguise as ‘New Kid’ made the following statement, which ruffled a few feathers with old river watchers who claimed to have seen salmon clearing the falls that he describes before WUF removed the weir. https://www.flyfishing.co.uk/2337525-post60.html
I finish with a picture of some work WUF did in 2004 removing a weir put on the natural falls at Pantmawr. Until this was done, no salmon had been recorded above Pantmawr falls during routine electrofishing surveys since the weir was built. In the foreground by the grass the 3′ x 2′ high weir with vertical sides which went the whole way across …..to aid accurate gauging! It was a very effective barrier. we removed it all before the spawning season that year.
Please find attached the electrofishing results kindly supplied by NRW for the area above the previously mentioned falls at Pantmawr, simply for reasons of clarity. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0’
Upper Wye and Tarrenig fish data to 2017
There are 2 pages one is the data supplied by NRW and the other is our analysis. To locate the National Grid Reference codes (NGR) I recommend using streetmap.