The River Wye has a historic reputation as England & Wales leading salmon river, with a particular emphasis on the size and fecundity of its spring salmon run. The decline in in-river catches since the 1970s has been paralleled by a decline in owner and rise in government management control over the same period.
Wye Salmon Association would like to see the river returned to its former glory and believe additional action and significant change is necessary for salmon stocks in the river to recover. A key component in assisting with the recovery is the return of control and management of the river to owners, leaseholders and anglers. Together the voice of this group should present a major force in mapping a way forward.

Strategic Goal….

  • to drive the necessary actions, urgently needed, to stop the decline of Atlantic Salmon in both the main River Wye and its sub catchments.
  • Wye Salmon Association aims to provide its supporters and all angling interests with a voice in this process and to encourage game angling as a pastime to all.

From the above WSA will develop a science lead approach to ensuring Atlantic Salmon reach and exceed sustainable conservation levels via water quality, habitat improvement and recognised positive population improvement techniques. In doing this it will work, in a constructive manner, with all appropriate stakeholders, including local, national and international regulators and advisory bodies.

wye salmon association, wye salmon bigsweir
Spring Salmon from Bigsweir
canoes at whitney
Whitney on Wye canoes

©2021 wye salmon association
