C&DAS held their fourth skills day on Sunday 10th July.
C&DAS 2016-fourth-annual-skills-day
feel free to call us 07789 133263 enquiries@wyesalmon.com
From Chris Bainger - Fisheries Technical Specialist EA West Mids I have circulated that video around a few known...
Nothing too dramatic weather wise on the Wye in April. A couple of small spates, a little snow on...
The final RWGA annual dinner will take place on Friday the 17th February 2017 at the Three Counties Hotel,...
A new report from the EA concerning the diseased fish found by Steve Roberts from River Days. Have a...
Please act now to to stop bass netting and get a fairer deal for sea anglers. Sign the petition...
Thank you for your email of 7 January regarding agricultural pollution. Agricultural pollution is affecting water quality across the...
New Wye Salmon Association Newsletter Published September 2015 Newsletter 15 – 3
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