Dates and or stretches of the river anglers may wish to avoid due to events [boating or coarse matches, etc] taking place!
feel free to call us 07789 133263
Dates and or stretches of the river anglers may wish to avoid due to events [boating or coarse matches, etc] taking place!
New Byelaws for Wye and Usk Press release new byelaws on Rivers Usk and Wye in Wales Feb...
C&DAS held their fourth skills day on Sunday 10th July. See….. C&DAS 2016-fourth-annual-skills-day
Technical case Annex 3 Usk and Wye juvenile salmonid monitoring
Please act now to to stop bass netting and get a fairer deal for sea anglers. Sign the petition...
Western Mail 12/dec/2016 Wales environmental regulator is disputing claims that deaths of salmon and sea trout caused by the...
We are sad to hear renowned fisherman, author and broadcaster Moc Morgan has died. Moc, a familiar face in...
A fin clipped fish was caught on September 24th at Upper Bigsweir. It weighed 14lb.
Nothing too dramatic weather wise on the Wye in April. A couple of small spates, a little snow on...
©2021 wye salmon association