A fin clipped fish was caught on September 24th at Upper Bigsweir. It weighed 14lb.
Graham Hillier MD Tidal Lagoon Power Ltd Response
peter@chiltonscomputers.co.uk, , Tidal Lagoons, Uncategorized, 0This was the response from Tidal Lagoons Ltd 1378_001 Tidal Lagoon Response
This is the letter that WSA sent to the tidal lagoon company WSA Calls on Tidal Lagoon Company to Prove...
More from the NRW here www.salmonriverdata.co.uk/PDF/nrw-b-b-2815-evidence-paper-the-current-status-of-salmon-and-sea-trout-in-wales.pdf www.salmonriverdata.co.uk/PDF/nrw-b-b-4015-annex-1-catch-and-release-options-for-salmon-and-sea-trout.pdf www.salmonriverdata.co.uk/PDF/nrw-b-b-4115-european-beaver-in-wales.pdf
Wye Salmon Association C/O Stuart Smith Peny Hil Felindre Brecon Powys LD3 0SU Our ref: SG2415 Your ref: Date:...
Atlantic Salmon Trust. Saving our Wild Atlantic Salmon – a call to arms
peter@chiltonscomputers.co.uk, , Uncategorized, 0Saving our Wild Atlantic Salmon – a call to arms Saving our Wild Atlantic Salmon – a call to...
News, Issues and Discussion | Usk Fishing Association Poaching Fishing without permission and the theft of fish are criminal...
Save our Salmon In May Trout & Salmon launched Save Our Salmon – a campaign that seeks to highlight the plight...
Appeal Launched to Stop Tidal Lagoons Damaging Marine and Migratory Fish
peter@chiltonscomputers.co.uk, , Tidal Lagoons, 0Appeal Launched to Stop Tidal Lagoons Damaging Marine and Migratory Fish The Angling Trust & Fish Legal have launched...
More on the Diseased (UDN?) fish from the Lower River
peter@chiltonscomputers.co.uk, , Uncategorized, 0Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 11:39:16 +0000 Dear Mr Marsh Smith, I wrote to you (below) on 19...