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Archive for year: 2015
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So how do they work it out and what does it mean? This might help a little ...
Although the data is a little old now this was the paper used by Peter Gough to make the...
NRW fishery summary produced at the Usk LFG It will be interesting to see the Wye Summary Usk Fishery...
Once again we have compiled an end of season report, I hope this gives a flavour of the possibilities...
More responses from peter Gough can be found here 151026 Response to WSA 0926_001
NOTE OF WORKSHOP ON THE NRW SALMON AND SEA TROUT STOCKING DECISION, , Stocking, 0Final notes on the NRW stocking workshop 151026 FINAL Notes of workshop
Sale of Rare Wye Salmon Fishing Books Wye Salmon Association offer three ‘must have’ books on Wye salmon fishing...
Another fin clipped fish caught today 8th October 2015, a fresh hen of around 15lb. Well done Nathan Jubb.
New Wye Salmon Association Newsletter Published September 2015 Newsletter 15 – 3